Thursday, 29 March 2012

Jack W's 100wc - week 26.

Please click the image for a larger version!


  1. Wow Jack, what a brilliant 100wc! Some great describing words in there (e.g 'gazed')

    Mabye you could link your sentences with each other a bit better, when you were in the classroom the next sentence was you in the playground.

    Other than that it was a A-MAZ-ING! 100wc!
    you should be real proud of yourself!

  2. You see, now I want to know if this was a dream, or what happened next? Why were you at school on Easter day? Who are Bill and Ben and why were they burning a chocolate rabbit?

    These and other such questions are wandering around my head now! Thankyou Jack!

  3. Jack- I loved it! How crule of your mother, making you get up a 5:00 in the morning! Plus there is loads of great describing words in there! Great Job!

  4. Hi Jack, I really enjoyed reading your 100WC post. It was very good, but the poor chocolate rabbit being melted by Bill and Ben?! Great use of adjectives and imagination in your writing too. Keep up the good work.


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