Our bookshelf!

Here's our bookshelf where you can check out what we've been reading! We'll also add reviews of our favourite books in the comments section!


  1. I don't know who put the David Beckham Academy book on here, but I have a feeling who did it! (Callum R!) But I can see why someone put Mr Gum on there, there really funny! :)

    1. Hmmmm, Isaac - your suspicions about the Beckham book may be correct! I'm sure Mr Beckham is a most excellent author, up there with Roald Dahl, JK Rowling, Enid Blyton... :-D
      Mr K.

  2. Thoes are cool books. Wich book do you like? I love Harrry Potter. :) Why did you pick this to write about? :D

  3. I love to read books. Witch books do you like.

  4. samantha and ella18 May 2012 at 15:03

    Hey,Mr K where's James Herriot's book? They're great, because they are really exciting - I love them.So pleas put it on the blog

  5. My friend says Kensuke's Kingdom is one of the best books ever!

  6. My favourite books are my sister the vampire- they are very addictive.


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