Thursday, 5 April 2012

Sneak preview of this term's ICT project...

Remember that this term we will be working as architects and designers, completing a project to design an apartment for the Olympic Village using Google Sketchup. This will involve lots of creativity, but also patience and accuracy! Sketchup is a free programme that can be used to design very simple objects all the way up to huge skyscrapers! If you can, dowload the software at home (ask parents first!) and have a play - see what you can discover!

Here's a quick preview of the sort of thing I hope we can produce (I know yours will be much, much better!):


  1. Oh Mr Kenyon, what a clever man you are! I love this and can't wait to have a go. I'm sure our classes are going to have so much fun using Sketchup. I particularly like the artwork on the walls and of course the amazing voice over. Whose voice is that I wonder??!!!
    Well done and thank you for doing this, it will really help us out to see one already completed.
    Mrs P

  2. It is not working Mr k

  3. Its not working on my computer too Sam.
    I can't wait to see it Mr K!!

    Mrs R

    1. I shall get it working asap! :-)

    2. Should work now Mrs R!

    3. It still says an error has occurred!
      I have downloaded goggle sketch up but understand it as much as I understood scratch! :)
      Mrs R

    4. Well it works on my computer, so I'm going to blame your ICT skills! :-)

  4. mr k it is not working on my copterar

    1. We'll have a look tomorrow, Amber! :-)

  5. The vidoe is really cool. Why did you pick this post to write about?

  6. I love the move.


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