Thursday, 24 May 2012

Amber's 100wc - week 32:

I am writings to you because I what to tell you how brillant the 100wc is.

Dear David Cameron,
The 100wc is brillant because it gets children to think about what to write and to use punctuation. Each week their is a different prompt for the children to tack part in. Some times over 600 children take part in it. The 100wc is soitable for all ages, for the 100wc their is a show case and five of the 100wc get put into the show case and then people all over the world get to see your work. That is why I think the 100wc is sow good.

From Amber.


  1. Hi Amber, well done for writing such a persuasive letter! It was great that you included facts about the 100 word challenge such as it is worldwide, the number of children who take part and that you think it helps children with their writing and punctuation. From your writing I can sense just how much you like the prompts and challenge which is essential when writing a persuasive piece of writing. Maybe next time include some persuasive openers such as: 'Everyone knows, the 100 word challenge is the best blog around because...' or Surely you would agree, the 100 word challenge is a worldwide phenomena' and then add some facts to back it up. Keep up the great writing, I look forward to reading more.

  2. elise (chestnut)3 June 2012 at 09:49

    well done amber you have used some very persuasive punctuation you could put things like " the 100wc is great for people because it helps with......" or " the 100wc helps children with their writing and punctuation because......" you have spelt a couple of words wrong but it is very persuasive and very deatailed
    from elise in chestnut


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