Monday, 13 February 2012

Chloe's 100 Word Challenge - Week 20

As I got screamed at for about an hour, I nearly fell asleep. At points I forgot what I was being screamed at for, but then I remembered. I was at a party trying to figure out who looked suspicious of killing the party members. I found out it would help if I asked my agent (my mum) if she could help. So I went to find her, but when I got to her at the party she was dead…..
I walked slowly around the party room; everyone looked at me with a weird eye:
it wasn’t my fault…
By Chloe - Ash Class.


  1. interesting story made me want to read more:)

  2. oooh it sounds like a murder mystery! Being screamed at sounds like a motive....Did she really do it or not?? Does the murderer get caught??

    Well done Chloe on a super piece of wrting.

    Mrs Prior

  3. To Chloe,
    That piece of writing is fantastic! And it is very mysterious too! LOVE IT!

  4. That is a fantasitc bit of wirting from Lozzer

  5. I want to find out loads more. I am gob smacked!


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