Wednesday, 29 February 2012

100 word challenge - week 22

Quite an odd prompt this week - it's a photo of what looks like a pile of bones (or is it?!?!). Where could this be? Why is it there? It's up to you!
Let's see if we can get a hat-trick and make it into the Showcase for the third week in a row (no pressure!)...

Click for a bigger version of the photo!

Mya in 100 Word Challenge Showcase!

Ash Class have appeared in the 100 word Challenge Showcase for TWO weeks in a row!

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! (c) Isaac

This week it is Mya's entry that has made it in - a fabulous achievement - well done!
You can read Mya's piece of writing by clicking here.
Mr K (happy teacher :-)

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Greenfields goes global!

Exciting news! Every class in school now has their own blog, so there's going to be lots to explore over the next few weeks :-)

The addresses for each blog are below, and I'll also add them to our favourite blogs list soon. Some of these classes are new to blogging to it'd be great for some of you to welcome them by commenting on their blogs!

REMEMBER! Only use your first name please! Also, if you use your own gmail account to comment, please make sure it's only displaying your first name, or else your comments will have to be removed!!!

Phew! Mr K :-)

Monday, 27 February 2012

Listen to Grace's super 100wc!

Here's Grace's 100wc this week - it's excellent! We'll put more on here soon... Just press play to listen!

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Spellings: Mon 27th February...

Spellings for the week beginning Monday 27th February! Remember for the blank ones you'll need to think of your own word that matches the spelling rule. Spellings Wc 27.2.12

Our blog's Tagxedo!

This is a bit like a Wordle. On Tagxedo, the bigger the word, the more often it has featured on the blog - so well done if your name is big!

Stars of the week!

Last week's stars of the week were Harry and Matty - well done boys!
Mr K :-)

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Our trip to Whittington Castle!

Well it was a rather cold and wet day, but we still had a fantastic trip!
Just press play to view some of the photos from the day!

Only 24 days left to enter Molly's short story contest!

Don't use this story starter! Mr K :-)
There's only 24 days left to enter Molly's short story contest!
There have been four fantastic entries so far: Grace, Chloe, Lauren & Isaac.
Closing date: Tuesday 20th March!
Get writing!!!

Friday, 24 February 2012

Mya's 100 word challenge - week 21

In the morning when I woke up I heard a scratching noise outside of my room. I walked outside to see a long trail of feathers down the corridor. I started to follow them. They led me outside and to the bottom of the garden but they kept going. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. It was rustling around in the corner. It had big eyes and a huge beak, his feathers were bright red. He glared at me. “Oh dear! I forgot it was leap year.” I said to myself quietly. I started to run…

By Mya - Ash Class.

Grace's 100 word challenge - week 21

You can listen to Grace's super 100wc here - just click on play!
“…so then I forgot it was leap year!” I finished as Mr Scoffing was pushed off the cliff, face red with anger and fear,
“Oh dear.” He mocked as he fell to his death. Then the forestpeople started dragging me away,
“You have helped us destroy the cities but you too must die! Bring out the tigers!” cried the forestmen. I was surprised how little it hurt. It felt like leaving an old friend though. My parents would have been sad how young I died but I felt fine. It’s funny how big a small thing can seem.

By Grace - Ash Class.

Molly's 100 word challenge - week 21

It was my friend's birthday today… 
Or so I thought....                                                                 
I rushed down the squeaky staircase and span into the kitchen. Then I thought," Can't wait to give Lucy her prezzie!" I had my yummy frosties for my breakfast and ran up the stairs back to my bedroom; I got dressed fast so I could get to Lucy’s house early.

I was ready. I ran out of the house and sped down the road. I was there. I knocked the door. It opened - it was Lucy. I shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
“Its tomorrow...”
"Oh dear... I forgot it was leap year..."

By Molly - Ash Class.

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

100 Word Challenge - week 21

The prompt for this week's 100 word challenge has just been released - can anyone get into the Showcase like Callum did last week? I hope so! :-)

The prompt is...

...oh dear! I forgot it was Leap Year...

Happy writing! Mr K.

Callum in the 100 Word Challenge showcase!

A HUGE well done to Callum, whose 100 word challenge from last week (week 20) has been chosen from over 350 entries to be a part of the Week 20 Showcase! You can see Callum's and the other showcase entries by clicking here.

Well done Callum!!!

Friday, 17 February 2012

Our mystery climber!

Our mystery climber!
We've had this picture texted in to the blog by someone from our class - but who is it??? I can't tell - they're too well disguised!

The text said, "Hi Ash Class, I've been up the Cairn Gorm mountains - it was -1c and the wind chill was -5c!"

So do you know who in our class has been up to Scotland this week? Can you solve the mystery?

:-) Mr K

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Our new poll!

Thanks to Grace for the idea for our new blog poll - the most unusual place name in the world!
Get voting!!!

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Class Poll...

So the horses made a late run to beat the cats and rabbits to the title of favourite pet!!!
Now we need a new poll - we've had the idea of a video game poll, but are there any other ideas? Also, if you send in an idea, make sure you give me some options for the answers too!
Mr K :-)
Hi everyone, Ella sent this in from her hols!

Hello everyone. It's been a bit cold here on the Broads, our boat got frozen in. We went to a beach in Hunstanton & I found a fossil in a rock. I also went to a really boring Amber museum in Southwold but the beach huts were really pretty. We've visited lots of family in Lowestoft & my auntie's small farm. Still lots to look forward to though. See you next week at school. Ella.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Lauren's 100 Word Challenge - Week 20

The road was very long, but very busy Half of the people had hot chocolate, and the others were watching the animals: pandas, sea lions and rhinoceros. I was looking at the baby penguin’s silky beak around the chain metal fence. All of a sudden, a massive crowd of people rushed over to the gate that was open. All the penguins started to escape. The crowd rushed to make a human fence so the penguins couldn’t get out. However the zoo keeper rushed over to me and said, "it wasn’t my fault," because…

By Lauren - Ash Class.

Our Whittington Castle trip!

Here's where we're going for our trip next week - I've never been, but it looks fantastic! Make sure you bring your permission slip back at the start of the week if you haven't already!

You can have a look at the castle's website here :-)

Whittington Castle - beautiful!!!

Monday, 13 February 2012

Lauren's short story...

Lauren wrote this fantastic short story for the blog - well done Lauren!!!
Remember if you have something you'd like to go on the blog, just email it to the address at the top of the page :-)

I was walking down the narrow road it had started… Suddenly everyone started to jump into their houses, but some people fell into the hole. “How is this happing to me?” As a walked to the dusty hole I saw my mum in there, she was really far down. I tried to get a rope but it was no use. I tried so hard but I also fell down too. "HELP PLEASE” it was no use, nobody could hear me scream for help from down here. Suddenly I saw some blue and red flashing lights I saw a ladder coming downhill I got hold of my mum and lifted her up and stared to climb the wobbly ladder. When I got to the top I saw my mum crying her eyes out so I ran up to her and gave her big huge hug. The nice police man gave her some tissue and put around her shoulders a blanket. Then suddenly the dusty hole disappeared and we went back to our house, my dad was there, we both ran up to my dad and gave him a big huge hug.

By Lauren - Ash Class.

Chloe's 100 Word Challenge - Week 20

As I got screamed at for about an hour, I nearly fell asleep. At points I forgot what I was being screamed at for, but then I remembered. I was at a party trying to figure out who looked suspicious of killing the party members. I found out it would help if I asked my agent (my mum) if she could help. So I went to find her, but when I got to her at the party she was dead…..
I walked slowly around the party room; everyone looked at me with a weird eye:
it wasn’t my fault…
By Chloe - Ash Class.

Molly's 100 word challenge: Week 20

“It wasn’t my fault!” yelled Millie.
The 2500 dollar TV had smashed to the ground.
“That’s coming out of your allowance young lady!” screamed her mother.
Millie stormed off in a big fit, and slammed the door behind her. Millie lay on her dusty bed just thinking about what she had done, nothing, nothing at all had she done wrong. The door slowly opened, it was her horrid father.
“So tell me Millie what really happened?”
“It was all Charlie’s fault, not mine!” murmured Millie.
Everyone stayed silent for the rest of that day. It was really all Charlie’s fault.

By Molly - Ash Class.

Sunday, 12 February 2012


Hi everyone - lots of you have been asking about Borth recently so here's a link to where we stay when we go - just over the road from the beach! In fact some of you will be able to see the sea from your rooms!!!

Borth Youth Hostel website

Molly's Story Contest...

Write a story about 250 words long and bring it to Molly any time of the week (or add it as a comment to this post).
She will enter it for you.
You can enter between the 10th Febuary-5th March.
Three prizes up for grabs!! HAPPY WRITING!! :)

Get writing!!!

Callum's 100 word challenge: week 20

"It wasn't my fault!" shouts Jake to his parents, who are storming up to his messy room. "I didn't kick Billy!"exclaimes Jake. His parents are right outside his door now. Their scaly hands wrap around the door handle. Jake quickly picks up one of Billy's arms from the floor and attempts to stick it back on.
The door is locked and his angry parents show their frustration by blinking their 8 eyes rapidly, grinding their toothless gums and their snake like hair turning red as fire. Billy's engine roars! Is this a ordinary family? What is Billy? Who knows...

By Callum - Ash Class.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Our class email address...

Hi everyone - if you have anything you'd like to go onto the blog then you can email it to...

You could have another go at the 100 word challenge!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

100 Word Challenge - Week 20

Hello - here's this week's prompt for the 100 word challenge... wasn't my fault...

So get your thinking caps on!

Mr K

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Poll of the week...

So, in our first poll Manchester United got the most votes for the team that will win the Premier League (hooray!). Has anyone got some ideas for what we could have as our poll question this week???Mr K :-)

Friday, 3 February 2012

Our new Quadblog!

Ash Class has joined the Quadblogging project - this is where four classes from different schools are grouped together to share their blogs.
Our partners are:
Bankside Primary School near Leeds;
Highlawn Primary School in Bolton;
Shallow Brook Intermediate School in Manchester, Pennsylvania, USA.
You can view their blogs using the links on the left hand side of the page.
We're looking forward to getting to know them all!
Mr K.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Oscar's 100 Word Challenge - Week#19

The ground slowly parted...
A nuclear disaster might have occured, or maybe the earth is beginning to split in two. Well I know what is going to happen.

The world will be taken over by the underground people and humans will be killed! Of course, animals as well, in fact every living thing will be destroyed by the evil underground people.

I was petrified when the ground started to shake and split into two, I was petrified...

By Oscar.
Ash Class - Year Five - Greenfields Primary School.

Alex's 100 word challenge - Week#19

The ground slowly parted: I saw hundreds of people jumping down what seemed like a never-ending black hole. I knew I had to jump because there was over a million angry bulls charging towards me! I jumped...

I woke up, I was floating in space. I could see the earth split into two. I wondered what to do...

By Alex.
Ash Class - Year Five - Greenfields Primary School.

Chloe's 100 word challenge - Week#19

As I walked slowly towards my house, I realised the ground was beginning to wobble. At first I thought I was imagining it, so I carried on walking. Arriving home, I went in and saw that the floor of my house was cracked and most fo my things had fallen through the hole. I ran as fast as I've ever ran in my life the find my parents, but it seemed they had gone too.

That's when it came to me: this wasn't just a nightmare. The ground slowly parted...

By Chloe.
Ash Class, Year Five - Greenfields Primary School.

Sam G's 100 word challenge - week#19

I was in my car driving across the snowy roads of Holland when suddenly I heard a rumble coming from deep, deep inside the earth's inner core and a long, sharp crack slowly broke the road in two, running away into the distance. I was petrified. I tried to twist and turn in and out of the cracks until I saw a dark red figure emerging from the cracks. It looked like a spirit of some sort, rising from beneath the ground. Not looking where I was going, I found myself falling into the hole deeper and deeper and deeper...

Molly's 100 word challenge - Week#19

The year, 2012. Doomsday. The world was slowly coming to an end. You could hear the people of London screaming in terror. Hundreds of people were leaping into their cars and driving somewhere, some place; but there was nowhere to drive. The whole planet was ending.

Some people were praying to God, asking him to make it all stop. But there was no-one who could make it stop; not even the superheroes of the world. Many people were phoning their loved ones, sending their last words of love as the ground slowly parted...

By Molly.
Ash Class, Year Five - Greenfields Primary School.

Mya's 100 word challenge! Week#19

The ground rumbled beneath me. Swarms of flies came out of the metre-wide gap. Parents were helping their children over the gap back to their homes. The ground slowly parted more and more. Next, tentacles slithered out like green tree roots. The gap had doubled in size!

Heads were becoming visible, ugly green heads. Soon after, mosquitoes started to come out. Everyone was running to their homes in panic: children were rushed into safe buildings away from the mosquitoes, flies and aliens. After four days the crack began to seal up; the flies, mosquitoes and aliens returning to the ground.

By Mya.
Ash Class, Year Five - Greenfields Primary School.

Isaac's 100 word challege! Week#19

I sat in my armchair and remembered the day when the ground slowly parted...

We were driving down the M64 - Dad was complaining about the bustling traffic. Suddenly we heard a strange, eerie noise coming from underneath us. It was getting louder; the ground began to shake - we were all getting worried...

Then, the real nightmare: slowly but surely, really and truly, the ground was breaking into two. Cars were disappearing fast, trees were flying up in the air, people were begging to God. But nothing was helping against this mighty beast of an earthquake. Who could help?

By Isaac.
Ash Class, Year Five - Greenfields Primary School.

Interesting weblinks...

Hi everyone,
I've set up a widget on the right hand side of the blog that has links to some great websites like Scratch and Tutpup - have a look and let me know if there are any other websites you think should be one there!
Mr K.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

New 100 word challenge!

This week's 100 word challenge has just been released! The prompt is (drum roll)...


So you have 100 words to write about anything to do with this picture and the words. It could be a short story, a poem... it's up to you!

I'm looking forward to reading your ideas!!!
Mr K

Emily's short story - Upside Down...

Once there was a man who lived in an upside down house and he was called Steven. He had three grand-daughters and they were called Isabella, Chloe and Emma. He also had three grandsons called Sam, Jack and Owen. His wife, son and daughter all lived in the upside down house too.

So if you ever go near this house, your mind will go upside down and when you get to leave you will feel a bit perculiar. The last person who went to this house, no-one knows what happened to him...

If you ever see someone go in this house, beware! Whatever you do, don't go on their timemachine becuase you'll never got out! And if you hear them say, "Have a drink of orange," trust me, say NO!