Wednesday 4 July 2012

Back home from Borth!

What a great few days we've had in Borth! Even though the weather wasn't great, the children were fantastic and had heaps of fun - here's some photos of our trip - we'll get the children to do a full post soon!


  1. Goodness - that was fantastic. What a wonderful time they all had...Grace's mum

  2. wow i wish i never left broth it was brilliant i will never forget that couple day:-( good bye broth.

  3. Elise and becky13 July 2012 at 09:53

    I wish I never left borth it was really good apart from our dorm people were really stressed and they were crying but it was still a fantastic time I will never forget that and the food was all right but the hot chocolate was horrible

    From Elise and becky

  4. I loved broth I wish ied never left :>(


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